Hands-on Workshop on Partial Least Squares Structural Equations Modelling
(PLS-SEM) Using SmartPLS 3

This workshop looks at partial least squares structural equation modelling (PLS-SEM), which has received considerable attention in a variety of disciplines, The goal of PLS-SEM is the explanation of variances (prediction-oriented character of the methodology) rather than explaining covariances (theory testing via covariance-based SEM, CB SEM). The application of the PLS-SEM method is of particular interest if the premises of CB-SEM are violated and the assumed relations of cause-and-effect are not sufficiently explored. An additional advantage of the PLS-SEM method is the unrestricted incorporation of latent variables in the path model that either draws on reflective or formative measurements models. The workshop will focus on introducing the state-ofthe-art of PLS-SEM using the SmartPLS 3 software.

Learning outcomes
This workshop is designed to look at the stages of research question development and theorizing together with the subsequent methodological implementation using the multivariate analysis method PLS-SEM in business and management research. The learning objectives are to (1) contribute to theory by establishing a useful PLS path model, (2) have an in-depth methodological appreciation of the PLSSEM approach (the nature of causal modelling, analytical objectives, some statistics), (3) being able to evaluate measurement results, and (4) understand complementary analytical techniques.Specifically, participants will understand the following topics:
~ Model development and fundamentals of PLS-SEM and consistent PLS
~ Assessment and reporting of measurement and structural model results (relevant criteria, measures, and critical values)
~ A new criterion for discriminant validity: The heterotrait-monotrait ratio of correlations (HTMT)
~ Mediating effects
~  Moderating effects (interaction effects)
~ Outlook on multigroup analysis and measurement invariance testing
In addition, the participants will be able to use the SmartPLS 3 software for their PLS-SEM analyses.

Paper Submission Link: https://iemirpss.org/2023/conference-paper-submission/

Registration Link: https://forms.gle/8nRgjLk5m498uV1w6

Online Payment Link: https://iem.edu.in/irpss-2023/